

Friday, April 8, 2011

Busy Week

Practice or game every night this week has made it hard for me to sit down and have time to blog. This week has been crazy busy preparing for the Benchmark. Now, I am just ready for next Friday to have it all behind us. My kids are incredible and have worked so hard and I KNOW they are prepared. We had a theme dress each day this week in preperation for the test and I only remembered to bring my camera one day. (tells you how my week has been)
JT is playing in Alma this weekend and Craig at Evans. And if you can believe it, Craig is actually starting football on Sunday. This year has flown by and although I LOVE summer I am really gonna miss my group of kids this year. This has been an AWESOME year.
Running has been going great. Today was hot and hard, but there is nothing better than a good sweat to feel like the calories are just falling off. We are going out tonight with some friends to eat and gonna check out the new yogurt place in FS. Life is good and only gets better with each day!! =]

*Saw this quote today and loved it "When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you"
WOW, how true this statement is!!! Pray for your enemies because they are usually worse off than you are.

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