

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"I love Jesus, just not his house"

Every night is a battle for Pate to go to sleep. She will do all and everything to keep from it. She will try and talk about the most random things or ask the most pointless questions just to get me talking or to keep herself awake. Ive learned to just lay there by her and not answer her and pretend I am asleep and she will eventually quit talking. Well, last night this was her converstaion she was having with herself , and try to imagine this in a half crying voice. "Mommy, I dont want to go to church tomorrow, you have to be quiet in church. I mean, I love Jesus but I dont like his house. I do love his bathrooms though. " It took all I had to keep quiet. I love the thoughts that go through that little curly head of hers. She is one funny kid.