

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life is a Blessing

First of all, Pate is SO much better today. Another day out of school did her some good. Hopefully we'll be back in the swing of things tomorrow. Amazing how quick kids can bounce back. Today was gymnastics day but we didn't go so our house is her gym floor. Not that it isn't already but I had to help her work on her back handspring today. She has NO fear. I just cross my fingers and hope everything flings where its supposed to. lol.
Today is a gorgeous day and I look forward to my run with Mer. I haven't got to run with her in a while so we have a lot of catching up to do. Our other side kick, Tara, is a workin women today and is gonna miss out :0(. I am ready for warmer tempatures, I hate to be cold. It takes all I have to get out there.
I was reading something today that made me really appreciate how great my life is and how blessed I am. I have an amazing, healthy family and some of the greatest friends. Some great people have come into my life lately and I have had some of the sweetest things said to me when I least expected it and from the people I least expected them from. I have an amazing class this year at school which has made for a great year. I am maybe in the best shape Ive been in in years and I feel great. God has worked in amazing ways for me this year and I am so grateful. I am trying to do my best to live how He would want me to and I hope I am making Him happy. I feel that the way my life is now is because of Him and His way of showing me He is pleased. Life trully is a blessing. I wouldn't change a thing!


  1. So happy Pate is better! Miss my running partners today!! :)

  2. Laura I am glad Pate is feeling better hope she continues to get better with each day!! Thanks for being my newest follower! I love your blog!
